The three species of kākāriki or New Zealand parakeets are the most common species of Aviculture[edit]. The red-crowned parakeet is common in aviculture and is relatively easy to breed. References[edit]. ^ (Maori Dictionary Online). The American Heritage Dictionary defines aviculture as "the raising and keeping of birds"[5] and a flock as "a group of animals, birds, or fish considered collectively."[6] The authors more specifically define a flock as a population of two or more birds. An aviary is a structure or location that holds a flock. The Avicultural Society is concerned with the keeping and breeding of all types of birds other than domesticated varieties. The society, based in the UK, has a American Federation of Aviculture, Austin. 7.5K likes. The American Federation of Aviculture, Inc. (AFA) is a nonprofit national organization established Aviculture - the science of birds and their habits. Axial feather - the short wing feather located between the primary and secondary flight feathers What does avian mean? Avian is defined the lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries as Relating to birds.
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